Thursday, June 10, 2010

Santorini for Sale?

The financial crisis in Greece is impacting the entire Euro.  For the last year, confidence in the Euro has been shattered and the value of the Euro has been weighed down by Greece's debt.  Too bad Greece can't file for bankruptcy.  Because the rest of Europe relies on Greece's solvency, the EU and the IMF have no choice but to bail out Greece.

However, Greece has to agree to impose severe austerity measures that are affecting the common people.

To help Greece raise money, Greece should consider liquidating their monuments, art work and islands.

Greece may not have much liquid money, but Greece owns a ton of illiquid assets including many currently uninhabited islands.

Greece owns 6000 islands (of which only 227 are inhabited).  That means Greece spends a fortune maintaining these islands.  Since they are not inhabited and are taking up tax payers' dollars, they can be sold to private investors for a large sum of money.

Truly there are many private individuals, corporations or even nations that would love to purchase some of these islands.

I am not talking about Crete or the volcanic island of Santorini.  However, Greece should consider selling parts of those islands to private investors.

Also included in the list of properties for sale: The historic Acropolis.

Selling government owned land for redemption of debt is a great idea, especially if this will allow to people to keep their jobs and maintain their incomes

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